Error: lambda function not triggering from dynamodb
Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
This error occurs due to several reasons.
- No changes detected: If there are no new stream records, DynamoDB will not invoke the Lambda.
- Streams disabled: The Lambda will not get invoked if streams are disabled for the DyanmoDB table.
- Lambda versioning: This error occurred when referring to Lambda using the
version for some users.
Solution - Here's How To Resolve It
First, visit the DynamoDB console to ensure that streams are enabled for the table to resolve the error.
Afterward, ensure that the stream receives new records by verifying that changes do happen for the items.
Finally, try publishing a new version for the Lambda function by navigating to the Lambda console. Afterward, use the "fixed" lambda version for the DynamoDB Stream.
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
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