
Error: DynamoDB VPC endpoint not working

Rafal Wilinski

Answered by Rafal Wilinski

What's Causing This Error

This error can be caused by a variety of issues, such as:

  • Incorrectly configuring the VPC endpoint for DynamoDB.
  • Incorrectly configuring the security group associated with the VPC endpoint.
  • Incorrectly configuring the routeing table associated with the VPC endpoint.
  • Incorrectly configuring the network ACL associated with the VPC endpoint.
  • Issues with the IAM role associated with the request.
  • Errors with the SDK being used.

Solution: Here's How To Resolve It

To solve this error, you can take the following steps:

  • Verify that the VPC endpoint for DynamoDB is correctly configured and associated with the correct VPC and subnets.
  • Verify that the security group associated with the VPC endpoint allows inbound traffic from the IP address or CIDR range of the client making the request.
  • Verify that the routeing table associated with the VPC endpoint has a route to the VPC endpoint for DynamoDB.
  • Verify that the network ACL associated with the VPC endpoint allows inbound traffic from the IP address or CIDR range of the client making the request.
  • Check the IAM role associated with the request to ensure it has the necessary permissions to access the VPC endpoint.
  • Verify that the SDK being used is configured correctly and that all necessary dependencies are installed.

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