Error: DynamoDB type item is not supported

Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
The error DynamoDB type item is not supported is caused when an invalid item is passed to a DynamoDB operation. DynamoDB supports several items, such as tables, indexes, and streams. Attempting to operate on an item of a type that is not supported by the operation will result in this error.
Solution: Here's How To Resolve It
To solve this error, you can take the following steps:
- Verify that the type of item being passed to the operation is a valid type supported by the operation.
- Check the documentation of the DynamoDB service to see what types of items are supported by the operation you are trying to perform.
- If you are trying to operate on a stream, ensure that the stream is enabled on the table and that the correct stream events are captured.
- If the issue persists, you may contact AWS support for further assistance.
- Additionally, you can use CloudWatch logs to check the logs and troubleshoot the issue.
- It is important to validate the type of item you want to operate on according to the DynamoDB documentation to avoid such issues.
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