
Error: dynamodb table did not stabilize

Rafal Wilinski

Answered by Rafal Wilinski

What's Causing This Error

This error message indicates that the table is not yet stable and ready to accept read or write operations.

For example, this can happen when a table is being created or updated, and DynamoDB is still allocating resources.

Solution: Here's How To Resolve It

To solve this error, you need to wait for the table to stabilize before attempting to perform any read or write operations. The time it takes for a table to stabilize depends on the size of the table and the number of throughput adjustments. You can check the table's status by calling the describe_table method and checking the TableStatus property.

Here is an example of how to check the status of a table:

import boto3

# Instantiate a client
dynamodb = boto3.client('dynamodb', region_name='us-west-2')

# Define the parameters
table_name = "my_table"
projection_expression = "attribute1, attribute2"

# Perform the operation
response = dynamodb.scan(TableName=table_name,



Another way to solve this issue is to use the wait_until_table_exists or wait_until_table_not_exists method, polling the table's status until it reaches the desired state.

import boto3

# Instantiate a client
dynamodb = boto3.client('dynamodb', region_name='us-west-2')

# Define the parameters
table_name = "my_table"

# Perform the operation

It is also essential to keep in mind that increasing a table's read/write capacity may take a while for the changes to propagate and for the table to be fully available.

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