
Error: DynamoDB stream no records processed

Rafal Wilinski

Answered by Rafal Wilinski

What's Causing This Error

DynamoDB Streams capture a time-ordered sequence of item-level modifications in a DynamoDB table and make them available to other AWS services. If no records are being processed, it could be due to several reasons, such as:

  • The stream is not enabled on the DynamoDB table: To use DynamoDB Streams, it must be enabled on the table from which you want to stream the data.
  • The stream is not in an active state: If it is not in an active state, it will not process any records.
  • No new data is being written to the table: If no new data is being written to the table, there will be no records to process.
  • The Lambda function that is processing the stream records is not configured correctly: If the Lambda function that is processing the stream records is not configured correctly, it will not process any records.
  • The DynamoDB Stream is being consumed by another application or service, and so it is not available for this application to consume.

Solution: Here's How To Resolve It

Here are a few ways to solve this issue:

  • Enable the stream on the table: Make sure that the stream is enabled on the DynamoDB table from which you want to stream the data.
  • Check the stream status: Check the status of the stream to ensure that it is in an active state.
  • Write new data to the table: Write new data to the table so there are records to process.
  • Configure the Lambda function correctly: Make sure that the Lambda function that is processing the stream records is configured correctly.
  • Check the IAM permissions: Ensure that the IAM role or user consuming the stream has the necessary permissions to read the stream.

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