
Error: dynamodb global secondary index does not project

Rafal Wilinski

Answered by Rafal Wilinski

What's Causing This Error

This error message indicates an issue with how the global secondary index (GSI) is used in a DynamoDB table.

Specifically, it indicates that the GSI is not projecting the necessary attributes. This can happen if the GSI is not correctly configured if the GSI is not being updated with the required attributes.

Solution: Here's How To Resolve It

To solve this error, check the configuration of the GSI to ensure that it is correctly set up and projecting the necessary attributes.

Hence, when creating the GSI, specify the attributes you want to project using the Projection property.

import boto3

# Instantiate a client
dynamodb = boto3.client('dynamodb', region_name='us-west-2')

# Define the parameters
table_name = "my_table"
gsi_name = "my_gsi"
attributes_to_project = ["attribute1", "attribute2"]

gsi_params = {
  'Attribute_definitions': [
    'Attribute_name': 'attribute1',
    'attribute_type': 'S'
    'attribute_name': 'attribute2',
    'attribute_type': 'S'
  'key_schema': [
    'attribute_name': 'attribute1',
    'key_type': 'HASH'
    'attribute_name': 'attribute2',
    'key_type': 'RANGE'
  'projection': {
   'projection_type': 'INCLUDE',
   'non_key_attributes': attributes_to_project
  'provisioned_throughput': {
   'read_capacity_units': 5,
   'write_capacity_units': 5

# Create the GSI
dynamodb.create_table(TableName=table_name, GlobalSecondaryIndexes=[{'IndexName': gsi_name, **gsi_params}

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