Error: dynamodb cannot read properties of undefined
Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
This is an error that you may run into in the Node.js environment. You may face it locally or even in a Node.js Lambda function. There is no true cause for this error, but it is typically caused when trying to read an item from DynamoDB when nothing is returned from the query or scan.
Consider the snippet below.
const { Items = [] } = await documentClient.scan(scanParams).promise(); // will throw error if there is no error for 0th index. console.log(Items[0].id);
Solution: Here's How To Resolve It
Try a few of the solutions listed below to see if they will solve your error.
- Ensure that the item you're trying to read from DynamoDB exists. You can use the optional params -
. - Ensure that you have implemented proper error handling to help your application recover from such errors.
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
- ExpressionAttributeValues contains invalid value: One or more parameter values were invalid: An AttributeValue may not contain an empty string
- Boto3 DynamoDB KeyError
- dynamodb global secondary index does not project
- dynamodb trigger no records processed
- dynamodb text contents could not be decoded
- dynamodb consistent reads are not supported on global secondary indexes
- localstack dynamodb not working
- dynamodb unable to parse base64 string
- dynamodb table did not stabilize
- moto dynamodb not working
- dynamodb the table does not have the specified index
- a cell may contain a maximum of 30000 characters dynamodb
- Dynamodb error 500
- dynamodb unknown error
- DynamoDB cannot delete the table
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