Error: dynamodb ttl not deleting / erasing items
Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
You may run into this error for numerous reasons.
- TTL Disabled: The items will not get erased if TTL is disabled on the DynamoDB table.
- TTL attribute not defined: The TTL process ignores the item if the item does not contain the TTL attribute.
- Invalid TTL data type: If the item has the TTL attribute with a type other than Number, the TTL process ignores the item and does not delete it.
- Invalid TTL time format: If the item's TTL timestamp is not in UNIX Epoch Time Format, the TTL process will ignore and skip the item.
Solution - Here's How To Resolve It
There is no correct way to fix this error. However, you can try the following fixes and see which works for you.
- Enable TTL: Verify that TTL is enabled on the DynamoDB table.
- Verify TTL attribute: Ensure that the TTL attribute you put on your items is the same TTL attribute you defined when creating the table with TTL.
- Provide valid data: Ensure that the TTL attribute on the item has type
and is in UNIX Epoch Time Format. Additionally, ensure that the TTL timestamp is not older than five years.
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
- ExpressionAttributeValues contains invalid value: One or more parameter values were invalid: An AttributeValue may not contain an empty string
- DynamoDB local error unable to access JAR file dynamodblocal.jar
- DynamoDB No Regionendpoint Or Serviceurl Configured
- DynamoDB Not Supported Requires @DynamoDBTyped Or @DynamoDBTypeConverted
- DynamoDB FilterExpression not working
- DynamoDB could not invoke null on class
- DynamoDB error 400
- dynamodb cannot read property '0' of undefined
- DynamoDB attribute not empty
- boto3 dynamodb unable to locate credentials
- dynamodb value cannot be null. (parameter 'type')
- DynamoDB stream no records processed
- DynamoDB BatchWriteItem error
- DynamoDB string set cannot be empty
- DynamoDB service unavailable
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