
Error: dynamodb unable to execute http request

Rafal Wilinski

Answered by Rafal Wilinski

What's Causing This Error

This error message indicates an issue when making an HTTP request to the DynamoDB service. The specific problem could be caused by several things, such as an issue with the network connection, an issue with the SDK or library being used, or a problem with the permissions of the IAM role or user being used to operate.

Solution: Here's How To Resolve It

To solve this error, check the network connection to ensure the host can be reached. In addition, verify that the endpoint used to make the request is correct and that the service is available.

It's also important to check that the IAM user or role used to call the function has the necessary permissions to perform the desired operation on the DynamoDB service.

Check the version of the SDK or library used to make the request and ensure it is up-to-date.

If all the above steps fail, try and update the SDK or library and see if that resolves the issue.

It is also essential to check that the provided access key and secret key are valid and have the necessary permissions to access the DynamoDB service.

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