Error: dynamodb local shell not working

Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
This error occurs if you installed DynamoDB local version 1.17 or higher because versions higher than 1.17 does not ship the local shell.
Solution: Here's How To Resolve It
To resolve the error, downgrade DynamoDB Local to version 1.17 or lower.
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
- dynamodb can not resolve withkeyconditionexpression
- name key is not defined dynamodb
- cognitoidentitycredentials is not authorized to perform dynamodb describetable
- dynamodb items page not authorized with read access
- an expression attribute name used in the document path is not defined
- missing required key 'key' in params dynamodb
- dynamodb put item not working
- ConfigError: Missing region in config
- could not load profile default dynamodb
- cannot find module 'dynamodb-doc'
- appsync dynamodb not seeing all fields
- failed to begin subsegment named 'amazondynamodbv2': segment cannot be found.
- dynamodb could not be mapped for type string
- ValidationException: Invalid KeyConditionExpression: Attribute name is a reserved keyword;
- comparison operator does not return all attributes dynamodb
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