Error: aws lambda dynamodb nodejs not working after few puts
Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
You may run into this error due to two reasons.
1. Using the same partition key
DynamoDB will replace the item using the Put operation if you use the same partition key. Therefore, it may look like nothing is happening, but your data item gets replaced.
2. Throughput Exceeded
If your WCUs have exceeded, DynamoDB may temporarily reject Put requests.
Solution - Here's How To Resolve It
First, ensure that a new partition key is provided for every invocation of the Put()
function. Additionally, consider using the nano-id library to generate unique IDs for the partition key.
Second, try increasing the provisioned throughput or use AWS Application Auto Scaling to scale DynamoDB up and down when needed to ensure it does not throttle.
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
- dynamodb local could not load credentials from any providers
- DynamoDB scan filter expression not working
- does not support attribute type arn aws dynamodb
- dynamodb could not load credentials from any providers
- DynamoDB GetItem no item
- cannot find module 'dynamodb-doc'
- DynamoDB Local Cannot Create Preexisting Table
- dynamodb number_value cannot be converted to string
- Error retrieving DynamoDB table item validation exception
- missing required key 'key' in params dynamodb
- could not unmarshal the value dynamodb
- DynamoDB local error unable to access JAR file dynamodblocal.jar
- DynamoDB internal error
- dynamodb localhost error
- dynamodb local unable to locate credentials
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