Error: a socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network dynamodb
Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
This error message indicates an issue with the network connectivity to the DynamoDB service. Specifically, it means that a socket operation was attempted on an unreachable network. For example, this can happen if the network connection to the DynamoDB service is down or a firewall or routing issue prevents the connection from being established.
Solution: Here's How To Resolve It
To solve this error, check the network connectivity to the DynamoDB service and ensure it is available and accessible. You can try to ping or telnet the service endpoint to check if you can reach the service.
ping -c 4
You can also try to switch to a different network or use a VPN to connect to the service.
Additionally, ensure that the security groups and firewalls allow the connection to the service endpoint.
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
- dynamodb item size limit error
- DynamoDB GetItem no item
- dynamodb unable to execute http request
- dynamodb text contents could not be decoded
- dynamodb unable to parse base64 string
- validationsettings are not supported for 'dynamodb' endpoint
- dynamodb local unable to open database file
- dynamodb throttle error code
- dynamodb consistent reads are not supported on global secondary indexes
- dynamodb value cannot be null. (parameter 'type')
- DynamoDB string set may not be empty
- dynamodb request is missing authentication token
- dynamodb scan missing values
- DynamoDB type is not supported
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