
Error: a bytes-like object is required not binary dynamodb

Rafal Wilinski

Answered by Rafal Wilinski

What's Causing This Error

This error message indicates an issue with the data being passed to a DynamoDB operation.

Specifically, it indicates that a bytes-like object is expected, but a binary object was received instead. This can happen if the data being passed to the operation is not in the correct format, if the data is being passed as a string instead of bytes, or if the data is being passed as a different data type than expected.

Solution: Here's How To Resolve It

To solve this error, check the data being passed to the DynamoDB operation and ensure that it is in the correct format and data type.

If you pass data to a PutItem or UpdateItem operation, ensure the item's attribute values are in the proper format. For example:

item = {
  'key': {'S': 'value'},
  'binary_key': {'B': b'binary_value'}

If you pass data to a query or scan operation, ensure that the data passed as a filter or condition is in the correct format and data type. For example:

expression_attribute_values = {
  ":val1": {"B": b'binary_value'}

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