Question: Is DynamoDB PaaS or SaaS?
Answered by Rafal Wilinski
DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a part of its AWS Cloud. It is considered a Platform as a Service offering that provides a platform for customers to store, retrieve, and manage their data. In contrast, AWS manages the underlying infrastructure and handles scaling, patching, and backup tasks.
Other Common DynamoDB FAQ (with Answers)
- Can Tableau connect to DynamoDB?
- Is DynamoDB columnar database?
- How do I create an id in DynamoDB?
- Can glue write to DynamoDB?
- Can DynamoDB trigger AWS Lambda?
- When to use DynamoDB?
- How to divert the traffic from S3 to DynamoDB?
- Is DynamoDB a wide-column store?
- Are DynamoDB table names supposed to be unique?
- Why must table be empty to enable DynamoDB global tables?
- How to forcefully delete a DynamoDB table?
- How to access DynamoDB from outside?
- What are the key differences between DynamoDB and Elasticsearch?
- Is DynamoDB open source?
- Is DynamoDB expensive?
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