
Error: dynamodb unable to parse base64 string

Rafal Wilinski

Answered by Rafal Wilinski

What's Causing This Error

This error message indicates that the SDK or library used to interact with DynamoDB cannot parse the Base64 encoded string used to store a binary attribute in the item. This can happen if the encoded string is not in the correct format, if the SDK or library is not configured to handle Base64 encoding, or if the property's data type is not compatible with the schema.

Solution: Here's How To Resolve It

To solve this error, ensure that the Base64 encoded string is in the correct format by checking that it only contains valid Base64 characters and is appropriately padded.

Verify that the SDK or library is configured to handle Base64 encoding. Then, if necessary, you can use the built-in base64 library in Python to encode and decode the attribute.

Ensure that the property is added or updated in the correct format and data type.

It's also important to check if the IAM user or role used to call the function has the necessary permissions to perform the desired operation on the DynamoDB service.

Finally, check that the provided access key and secret key are valid and have the necessary permissions to access the DynamoDB service.

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