Error: dynamodb stream missing fields
Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
DynamoDB streams are used to capture data modification events in a DynamoDB table. You may encounter this error when working with streams for several reasons:
- The stream only captures changes made to the table's primary key.
- The stream only captures changes made to the table after it is enabled.
- The stream only captures the before and after images of an item.
- Permission issues.
Solution: Here's How To Resolve It
You can resolve this error by modifying the table's primary key to include the missing fields and recreating the stream with the updated primary key.
If it does not resolve the issue, check the following:
- Check whether the fields were present before the stream was enabled.
- Ensure that the fields are included in an item's before and after images.
- Check the IAM permissions for the stream to ensure that the associated role has the correct permissions to access the missing fields.
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
- dynamodb query is null
- dynamodb localhost not working
- dynamodb property projection cannot be empty
- dynamodb put fail if exists
- DynamoDB local is not available for stage dev
- dynamodb unable to parse base64 string
- dynamodb local unable to open database file
- dynamodb local could not load credentials from any providers
- dynamodb trigger no records processed
- dynamodb is abstract cannot be instantiated
- localstack dynamodb not working
- dynamodb could not connect to the endpoint url
- dynamodb global secondary index not working
- dynamodb item size limit error
- dynamodb no range key value present
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