Error: dynamodb scan missing values
Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
This error message indicates an issue with how the scan operation is used in a DynamoDB table. Specifically, it indicates that some expected values are missing in the scan results. This can happen if the scan operation is not executed correctly, the scan filter is not set up correctly, or the items being scanned do not contain the expected values.
Solution: Here's How To Resolve It
To solve this error, check the setup of the scan operation and ensure that it is executed correctly. For example, ensure that the scan filter is set up correctly and returns the expected values.
You can try to filter the scan results by using the FilterExpression
property, for example:
import boto3 # Instantiate a client dynamodb = boto3.client('dynamodb', region_name='us-west-2') # Define the parameters table_name = "my_table" scan_filter = "attribute1 = :val1" expression_attribute_values = { ":val1": {"S": "expected_value"} } # Perform the scan operation results = dynamodb.scan( TableName=table_name, FilterExpression=scan_filter, ExpressionAttributeValues=expression_attribute_values )
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
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- DynamoDB delete fails
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- DynamoDB transaction error
- DynamoDB is missing the key id in the item
- DynamoDB ConditionalCheckFailedException
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