
Question: How do you store JSON on DynamoDB?

Rafal Wilinski

Answered by Rafal Wilinski


DynamoDB stores data in a tabular format, where each item in a table is represented as a set of key-value pairs. To store JSON data in DynamoDB, you can use the PutItem, UpdateItem, or BatchWriteItem operations to add or modify items in a table and include the JSON data as one of the attributes in the item.

When storing JSON in DynamoDB, you must ensure that the JSON data is serialized to a string format, as DynamoDB only supports string, number, binary, and set data types. This can be done by using JSON.stringify() method in javascript, json.dumps() method in python, or toString() method in Java.

You can also use the DynamoDBMapper class of the AWS SDK for Java to map your Java objects directly to items in a DynamoDB table. The mapper supports both annotation-based and programmatic configuration and can automatically handle the serialization and deserialization of JSON data.

When you are storing JSON in DynamoDB, you should also consider the size of the JSON data and make sure that it fits within the item size limit of 400KB. If the JSON data is larger than the item size limit, you can store it as a string attribute and store its location on S3 or other storage services.

Additionally, you can also use the DynamoDB Document Client for languages like JavaScript, Python, and .NET, which allows you to work with JSON directly and automatically handles the serialization and deserialization of JSON data.

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