Error: dynamodb user errors metric

Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
This error message indicates an issue with the metrics that the user is trying to retrieve from DynamoDB.
The specific issue could be caused by a number of things, such as an issue with the metric configuration, an issue with the permissions of the IAM role or user being used to operate, or an issue with the data being queried.
Solution: Here's How To Resolve It
To solve this error, check the metric configuration to ensure that it is set up correctly and that all the necessary metrics are being collected. This can be done by checking the CloudWatch Metrics in the AWS Management Console.
It's also important to check that the IAM user or role used to call the function has the necessary permissions to perform the desired operation on the DynamoDB service.
Check the data being queried to ensure that it is valid and in the correct format.
If all the above steps fail, try rebooting the service or the instances used by DynamoDB and the metric system.
It is also essential to check that the provided access key and secret key are valid and have the necessary permissions to access the metric system.
If none of the above solutions works, it's also possible that the issue is with the metric system itself, and you should contact AWS support for further assistance.
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
- comparison operator does not return all attributes dynamodb
- dynamodb property projection cannot be empty
- dynamodb request is missing authentication token
- dynamodb query is null
- DynamoDB batch write is not working
- DynamoDB scan limit not working
- dynamodb global secondary index does not project
- dynamodb index not updated
- DynamoDB is already installed on a path
- dynamodb trigger no records processed
- error updating dynamodb table time to live
- dynamodb global secondary index not working
- dynamodb localhost error
- DynamoDB attribute not empty
- dynamodb localhost not working