Error: DynamoDB type is not supported
Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
This error is caused when an invalid data type is passed as a value for an attribute in a DynamoDB table. Each attribute in a DynamoDB table has a specific data type; passing a value of a different data type than the one specified will result in this error.
Solution: Here's How To Resolve It
To solve this error, you can take the following steps:
- Verify that the data type of the value being passed matches the attribute's data type in the table.
- Ensure that the attribute passed is either a number, string, boolean, binary. list or map. Presently, these are the data types that are supported by DynamoDB.
- Use CloudWatch logs to check the logs and troubleshoot the issue.
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
- aws.dynamodb.documentclient is not a constructor
- DynamoDB Error All Attributes Must Be Indexed
- could not connect to the endpoint URL dynamodb
- DynamoDB sorting is not supported for scan expressions
- dynamodb type custid is not supported
- dynamodb index not updated
- dynamodb unable to find storage information for property
- dynamodb the table does not have the specified index
- error retrieving dynamodb table item serializationexception
- dynamodb attribute does not exist
- dynamodb request is missing authentication token
- dynamodb no range key value present
- dynamodb global secondary index not working
- error updating dynamodb table time to live
- DynamoDB FilterExpression not working
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