Error: DynamoDB service unavailable

Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
The error DynamoDB service unavailable is a general error message indicating that the DynamoDB service is currently unavailable. This can be caused by several issues, such as:
Scheduled maintenance or updates on the service
- A high volume of traffic to the service.
- Issues with the underlying infrastructure.
- Temporary service disruptions.
- Bugs in the DynamoDB service.
Solution: Here's How To Resolve It
To solve this error, you can take the following steps:
- Check the status of the DynamoDB service to see if there are any known issues or scheduled maintenance.
- Implement exponential backoff to handle retries for failed requests.
- Check the underlying infrastructure to ensure that it is functioning correctly.
- If the issue persists, you may contact AWS support for further assistance.
- Additionally, you can use DynamoDB Streams and Lambda functions to handle error handling and retries more efficiently.
- Monitor your CloudWatch metrics for the DynamoDB table to see if you exceed the read and write capacity units.
- Additionally, you can use DynamoDB Auto Scaling to automatically adjust your table's provisioned throughput, so that it can handle any increase in traffic without the need for manual intervention.
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
- Conditional Update Error DynamoDB
- dynamodb value cannot be null. (parameter 'type')
- AWS Lambda DynamoDB Stream Error
- DynamoDB failedbatch
- dynamodb unable to parse base64 string
- dynamodb user errors metric
- dynamodb cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'bytelength')
- dynamodb cannot convert undefined to object
- dynamodb-admin is not recognized as an internal or external command
- boto3 dynamodb unable to locate credentials
- DynamoDB Is Unsupported It Cannot Be Instantiated
- dynamodb-admin command not found
- DynamoDB Update Not Working
- DynamoDB Expression Not Null
- DynamoDB Mapper Could Not Instantiate Class
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