Error: dynamodb global secondary index not working
Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
This error message indicates an issue with how the global secondary index (GSI) is used in a DynamoDB table. Specifically, it suggests that the GSI is not working properly. This can happen if the GSI is not correctly configured, if the GSI is not being updated with the necessary data, or if there is a problem with the underlying infrastructure.
Solution: Here's How To Resolve It
To solve this error, check the configuration of the GSI to ensure that it is correctly set up and that it is indexing the necessary attributes. In addition, ensure that the GSI is updated with the required data when items are added or modified in the table.
You can update the GSI and check if the issue is solved.
import boto3 # Instantiate a client dynamodb = boto3.client('dynamodb', region_name='us-west-2') # Define the parameters table_name = "my_table" gsi_name = "my_gsi" # Perform the update operation dynamodb.update_table( TableName=table_name, GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates=[ { 'Update': { 'IndexName': gsi_name, 'ProvisionedThroughput': { 'ReadCapacityUnits': 5, 'WriteCapacityUnits': 5 } } }, ] )
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