Error: dynamodb getItem() is not a function

Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
This error occurs when the DynamoDB object you use does not contain the getItem()
function. For example, the document client does not contain the getItem()
function, but contains the get()
Solution - Here's How To Resolve It
Try one of the following steps to resolve the error:
1. Install the AWS SDK.
Verify that you have installed the AWS SDK in the project. If you have not installed it, use the below command to install the SDK.
npm i aws-sdk // for Node.js
2. Instantiate a DynamoDB object from the correct import.
Make sure you use the DynamoDB object as shown in the code snippet below.
const aws = require('aws-sdk'); const dynamo = new aws.DynamoDB();
3. Use Valid Naming
Use getItem()
and not getitem()
to invoke the function. The method is only available in camel casing convention.
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
- DynamoDB Error Message KeyError item is not JSON serializable
- could not unconvert attribute dynamodb
- dynamodb query not returning the full item
- DynamoDB Network Error: self signed certificate in chain
- aws.dynamodb.converter.unmarshall not working
- requested resource not found aws dynamodb
- DynamoDB Invalid UpdateExpression Syntax Error Token
- dynamodb the table does not have the specified index
- dynamodb item size limit error
- dynamodb could not connect to the endpoint url
- comparison operator does not return all attributes dynamodb
- DynamoDB scan filter not working
- dynamodb system errors metric
- failed to begin subsegment named 'amazondynamodbv2': segment cannot be found.
- a bytes-like object is required not binary dynamodb
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