Error: dynamodb condition does not exist
Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
Condition expressions are widely used to specify whether a writing operation should be carried out or not. When the condition expression evaluates to false, the AWS SDK or CLI will raise the DynamoDB condition does not exist error.
Solution: Here's How To Resolve It
You can find this error by either deleting the ConditionExpression
from your DynamoDB code or modifying the parameters and data to satisfy the condition.
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
- dynamodb update fail if not exists
- DynamoDB Internal Server Error
- DynamoDB Auto Scaling Not Working
- dynamodb-admin command not found
- dynamodb no range key value present
- dynamodb system error cloudwatch
- dynamodb connection timeout
- dynamodb local shell not working
- DynamoDB failedbatch
- dynamodb unable to locate property for key attribute
- error retrieving dynamodb table item serializationexception
- DynamoDB delete fails
- dynamodb-admin not working
- dynamodb throughput error
- cognitoidentitycredentials is not authorized to perform dynamodb describetable
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