
Error: DynamoDB BatchWriteItem error

Rafal Wilinski

Answered by Rafal Wilinski

What's Causing This Error

The BatchWriteItem operation allows you to put or delete multiple items across multiple tables in a single request. Still, there are some limitations and errors that can occur while using this operation. Some possible causes of the error include the following:

  • The request size exceeds the item size limit of 400 KB: Each item in the request must be less than 400 KB in size, so if the request exceeds this limit, the operation will fail.
  • The number of items in the request exceeds the batch write limit of 25: The BatchWriteItem operation can only process up to 25 items per request, so if the request exceeds this limit, the operation will fail.
  • The table is in a BACKING_UP status: You can't perform any write operations on a table that is in a BACKING_UP status.
  • The table or the index is in an UPDATING status: You can't perform any write operations on a table or index in an UPDATING status.
  • The table or the index is being deleted: You can't perform any write operations on a table or index being deleted.
  • You're trying to delete a non-existent item: If you're trying to delete an item that doesn't exist in the table, the operation will fail.
  • The item's primary key is not provided or invalid: Each item in the request must have a valid primary key, so if the primary key is missing or invalid, the operation will fail.

Solution: Here's How To Resolve It

  • Reduce the request size: Make sure each item in the request is less than 400 KB.
  • Reduce the number of items in the request: Keep the number of items in the request less than or equal to 25.
  • Wait for the table to be in an ACTIVE status: Wait until it is in an ACTIVE status before performing any write operations on it.
  • Use the PutItem or DeleteItem operation instead: If you only need to put or delete a single item, you can use the PutItem or DeleteItem operation instead of the BatchWriteItem operation.

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