Error: aws.dynamodb.converter.unmarshall not working

Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
This error commonly occurs when you provide an array to the "unmarshall
" function. This is because the "unmarshall
" function only accepts a DynamoDB object. Therefore, if an array of DynamoDB objects are provided, it will throw an error.
Solution - Here's How To Resolve It
To resolve the error, iterate through the array of DynamoDB objects and "unmarshall
" each object individually, as shown below.
const items = [ { uId: { S: '123456789' }, date: { S: '09-06-2022' } } ]; const unmarshalled = => aws.dynamodb.converter.unmarshall(i));
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
- DynamoDB Missing Authentication Token
- requested resource not found aws dynamodb
- dynamodb could not connect to the endpoint url
- dynamodb condition does not exist
- dynamodb validation error detected
- dynamodb items page not authorized with read access
- DynamoDB is missing the key id in the item
- dynamodb throughput error
- dynamodb local unable to open database file
- DynamoDB validation error
- resourcenotfoundexception dynamodb nodejs
- Unable to start DynamoDB Local process
- dynamodb unknown error
- DynamoDB internal error
- ImportError: No module named boto3 (DynamoDB)
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