Error: appsync dynamodb not seeing all fields
Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
You would run into this error due to two main reasons.
- You have not specified the attribute that you require in the query. Since GraphQL returns only the data you request, it will not return additional data (avoiding over-fetching).
- Secondly, if you are querying an index, you may not have projected the attribute you require onto the index. Any attribute that is not projected will not be added to the GSI or LSI and, therefore, will not be returned even if you request it.
Solution: Here's How To Resolve It
To resolve the error:
- Ensure to request the required attributes in the GraphQL Query.
- Ensure that the index you are querying has the attribute you wish to query projected onto it.
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
- dynamodb global secondary index does not project
- error retrieving dynamodb table item serializationexception
- DynamoDB BatchSave not working
- dynamodb-admin not working
- dynamodb index not found
- dynamodb validation error detected
- DynamoDB ConditionalCheckFailedException
- DynamoDB throttling error
- dynamodb ttl not deleting / erasing items
- DynamoDB local is not available for stage dev
- dynamodb unable to parse base64 string
- dynamodb list_append returns true but does not work
- sls dynamodb install not working
- Dynamodb error 500
- accessdeniedexception dynamodb
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