Error: dynamodb put function not working
Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
This error mainly occurs with the AWS JavaScript SDK when the put()
function is used as a promise-based function.
For example, suppose you are executing the put()
in a Lambda function and do not wait for it to finish running. The Lambda function will immediately return a response, but the put()
will not get executed.
Solution - Here's How To Resolve It
To resolve the error, use an async-await approach as shown below.
exports.handler = async (event) => { const obj = { pk: '1', name: "Lakindu" }; const response = { statusCode: 200, body: JSON.stringify(obj), }; var params = { 'TableName':'test-table', 'Item': { ...obj }, }; // await the promise and then await the result, so the function gets invoked. await documentClient.put(params).promise(); return response; };
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
- requested resource not found aws dynamodb
- DynamoDB could not invoke null on class
- dynamodb docker unable to open database file
- DynamoDB Local Cannot Create Preexisting Table
- could not load profile default dynamodb
- DynamoDB failedbatch retry
- DynamoDB Update Not Working
- DynamoDB No Provisioned Throughput specified for the table
- DynamoDB Error 413
- dynamodb throughput error
- DynamoDB Code Working In Node But Not SAM
- dynamodb unknown error
- DynamoDB No Regionendpoint Or Serviceurl Configured
- ImportError: No module named boto3 (DynamoDB)
- DynamoDB Invalid UpdateExpression Syntax Error Token
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