
Error: DynamoDB Is Not Null

Rafal Wilinski

Answered by Rafal Wilinski

What's Causing This Error

In DynamoDB, the "Not Null" constraint is automatically enforced for all primary key attributes and secondary index key attributes. This means that when you insert or update an item, all primary key and secondary index key attributes must have a value, and cannot be null. If you try to insert or update an item with a null value for a primary key or secondary index key attribute, you will receive an error.

Solution: Here's How To Resolve It

There are a few ways to solve the error of trying to insert or update an item with a null value for a primary key or secondary index key attribute in DynamoDB:

  1. Provide a non-null value for the primary key or secondary index key attribute when inserting or updating the item.
  2. If the primary key or secondary index key attribute is optional, you can use the NULL value to indicate that the attribute is not present.
  3. You can also change the schema of your table to allow for null values in primary key or secondary index key attributes. However, this is not recommended as it can lead to data inconsistencies and may make it difficult to query your data.
  4. If you are updating a item, you can use the update_item method and use a condition_expression to ensure the value is not null before updating the item
  5. If you are using the AWS SDK, you can also use the ConditionExpression parameter in the PutItem and UpdateItem operations to check for null values and prevent the item from being inserted or updated if the condition is not met.

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