Error: DynamoDB Error 413

Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
Error code 413 (Request Entity Too Large error message) is an error that is caused by the data size limitation in DynamoDB. It generally indicates that the request payload is too large. For instance, this error can arise when the size of an item you are trying to insert or update is larger than 400 kB (the maximum item size for DynamoDB).
Solution: Here's How To Resolve It
If you are getting this 413 error code, determine the size of the item you handle as the first approach. Then, to resolve this issue, you can either break down the item into multiple smaller items of lesser size or reduce the size of the item you are trying to insert or update.
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
- does not support attribute type arn aws dynamodb
- dynamodb query is null
- AWS DynamoDB Provisioning Error
- dynamodb could not connect to the endpoint url
- dynamodb unable to parse base64 string
- dynamodb put item not working
- DynamoDB local error unable to access JAR file dynamodblocal.jar
- dynamodb global secondary index not working
- DynamoDB Key element does not match the schema
- DynamoDB batch write is not working
- DynamoDB cannot do operations on a non-existent table
- Dynamodb error 500
- DynamoDB Expression Not Null
- dynamodb consistent reads are not supported on global secondary indexes
- DynamoDB error 400
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