Error: dynamodb does not support null values

Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
Earlier, DynamoDB did not allow you to store empty strings or null values in an item. If you do so, DynamoDB will throw an error indicating that it does not support null values.
Solution: Here's How To Resolve It
However, as of 18th May 2020, DynamoDB no longer runs into this error and has introduced support for null values. Although, keep in mind that you may still run into this error if you are trying to store a null value on an attribute that acts as the partition key for the table or GSI.
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
- dynamodb no range key value present
- DynamoDB Invalid UpdateExpression Syntax Error Token
- dynamodb can not resolve withkeyconditionexpression
- ConfigError: Missing region in config
- DynamoDB failedbatch
- dynamodb botocore.exceptions.nocredentialserror unable to locate credentials
- could not transform a dynamodb amazonserviceexception to a compatible kinesis exception
- DynamoDB VPC endpoint not working
- a socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network dynamodb
- dynamodb cannot read property 's' of undefined
- dynamodb could not load credentials from any providers
- dynamodb connection timeout
- dynamodb system error cloudwatch
- dynamodb unable to locate property for key attribute
- dynamodb unknown error
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