Question: What does the DynamoDB query return?
Answered by Rafal Wilinski
The DynamoDB query operation returns one or more items from a table or a secondary index. The query operation retrieves data from a table or index using the primary or secondary key.
When performing a query operation, you need to specify the table or index name, the primary or secondary index key, and a condition expression. The condition expression is used to filter the items that are returned by the query operation.
The query operation returns the items as an unordered set of items. The returned items are limited to the maximum number of items specified in the query request. If the query results in more items than the specified limit, the operation returns a LastEvaluatedKey value that can be used to retrieve the next set of items.
If you use the optional "ProjectionExpression" attribute, the query will return only the specified attributes and not the whole item.
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