Error: requested resource not found aws dynamodb
Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
This error occurs due to various reasons. However, in most cases, it happens when the table you are trying to access is either being created or does not exist on DynamoDB in the specified region.
Additionally, you may encounter this error if you use an invalid access key to access the table.
Solution - Here's How To Resolve It
First, visit the DynamoDB console and verify that the table is created to resolve this error. You should see the status as "Active."
Figure - Verifying the status of the table
Then, ensure that the table name specified on your code matches the table name provisioned in your DynamoDB Console.
Finally, ensure that your AWS profile has a valid access key to your table in the given region.
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
- DynamoDB throttling error
- DynamoDB No Regionendpoint Or Serviceurl Configured
- DynamoDB Local Cannot Create Preexisting Table
- dynamodb does not accept empty set
- DynamoDB Error Message KeyError item is not JSON serializable
- DynamoDB FilterExpression Not Working
- amazon dynamodb query parentparams is not defined
- ExpressionAttributeValues contains invalid value: One or more parameter values were invalid: An AttributeValue may not contain an empty string
- dynamodb cannot pickle '\_thread.lock' object
- dynamodb cannot convert undefined or null to object
- ImportError: No module named boto3 (DynamoDB)
- dynamodb cannot read properties of undefined
- missing required key 'key' in params dynamodb
- DynamoDB Hostname Cannot Be Null
- DynamoDB failedbatch
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