Error: DynamoDB Local NoClassDefFoundError
Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
This is an error you may typically encounter when a class that is needed by the program is not found. For instance, if the program cannot find the DynamoDB Local JAR file or the JAR file is not present in the classpath, you get this error in DynamoDB Local. In addition, this error can also occur if you use an older version of the AWS SDK for Java incompatible with the DynamoDB local you are running.
Solution: Here's How To Resolve It
As the first step, ensure that the program is able to find the DynamoDB Local JAR file. Here, you can either modify the CLASSPATH environment variable to include the path to the JAR file or add the path to the JAR file to the classpath when running the program. Furthermore, you can also ensure that the AWS SDK for Java is compatible with the DynamoDB Local.
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
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- DynamoDB Mapper Could Not Instantiate Class
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