Error: could not transform a dynamodb amazonserviceexception to a compatible kinesis exception
Answered by Rafal Wilinski
What's Causing This Error
You will run into this error when using DynamoDB and Kinesis in Java. For example, this error will occur if your application cannot handle the specific exception thrown by DynamoDB and cannot convert it to a format that Kinesis can use.
Solution: Here's How To Resolve It
Since this error can occur due to numerous reasons varying from a bug in the AWS SDK to a bug in your code or simply a lousy error handling mechanism, there is no proper way to solve this.
Therefore, check the configurations of the DynamoDB and Kinesis services to ensure they are set up correctly. You should also check the code handling the exception to see if there is a bug or a problem with the data being passed between the two services.
Finally, if nothing works, check if the error occurs from an internal Java AWS library. If so, try updating the SDK version.
Other Common DynamoDB Errors (with Solutions)
- DynamoDB Error Message KeyError item is not JSON serializable
- AWS DynamoDB Provisioning Error
- dynamodb converter not found for enhancedtype
- dynamodb streams missing events
- dynamodb could not instantiate class
- dynamodb throughput error
- Error retrieving DynamoDB table item validation exception
- AWS Lambda DynamoDB Stream Error
- DynamoDB scan limit not working
- DynamoDB transaction error
- could not lookup table in dynamodb
- DynamoDB Get not found
- DynamoDB BatchSave not working
- DynamoDB Hostname Cannot Be Null
- DynamoDB Delete Not Working