
Import JSON to DynamoDB (In a Few Clicks)

Prerequisite:   Download Dynobase (free to try) in order to follow the steps below
Currently, AWS DynamoDB Console does not offer the ability to import data from a JSON file. You'll need to write a custom script for that. With Dynobase's visual JSON import wizard, it's fast and easy.
Click Import

Open desired table and select Import in the bottom right corner

Select File

Select file for JSON import. After loading it, confirm your selection. Wait until your process finishes

Check results

Once process completes, hit Execute or CMD/CTRL + R to live data from the table.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there other ways to JSON to DynamoDB?

Right now, AWS Console does not give you an ability to import data using JSON. However, you can write a script to do that on your own. That obviously is going to take some time and might be buggy. Alternatively, you can use other AWS Services like Data Pipeline or EMR cluster, but this requires a non-trivial amount of knowledge, infrastructure, and time.

Is the DynamoDB import JSON functionality free?

Whether you're using a custom lambda script/pipeline, importing JSON data to DynamoDB is not free. Dynobase performs a write operation per each line which is converted to a record. The total cost of that operation depends on the amount of data that is going to be written. Use our DynamoDB Pricing Calculator to get an estimate.

How much time is the DynamoDB JSON import process going to take?

The JSON import speed depends on three factors:

  • The amount of data you want to import. Obviously, less data means faster import.
  • Provisioned Write Capacity of your table.
  • The concurrency factor that you select in the Dynobase's Import Wizard. It tells how many writes can happen in parallel.

What about JSON import conflicts? What happens if there's an existing item in the DynamoDB table with same key?

Similar to copying files in any modern OS, Dynobase offers four merging strategies:

  • Overwrite Conflicts - Import process will overwrite data in the table with the data from imported JSON file for any spotted conflict.
  • Skip Conflicts - Import process will ignore duplicates.
  • Merge (Prefer Imported Data) - On conflict, data from the table and the imported file will be merged, records from the file will have a priority meaning that for conflicting attributes, the ones from the JSON file will be preferred.
  • Merge (Prefer Data in the Table) - On conflict, data from the table and the imported JSON file will be merged. Records from the table will have a priority meaning that for conflicting attributes, the ones currently in the table will be preferred.

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