
Admin GUI For DynamoDB Local, LocalStack & DynamoDB in Docker

Prerequisite:   Download Dynobase (free to try) in order to follow the steps below
Offline DynamoDB distributions like DynamoDB Local and DynamoDB from LocalStack lack convenient UI for manipulating and querying data -- Dynobase solves this problem. The video and steps below show how you can setup Dynobase as admin UI for your local DynamoDB instance.
Run DynamoDB Local

Make sure LocalStack-powered DynamoDB or DynamoDB Offline is already running, either using Docker, JavaSDK or Serverless Framework plugin.

Check Offline Settings

Once it's running, check DynamoDB Offline settings in Dynobase. Set port, regions and override access key if needed.

Change profile

Using profile selector, change your profile to "localhost:{port}" and use offline tables like the AWS-managed ones.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DynamoDB Local?

DynamoDB Local is a mirror of the original AWS DynamoDB database but instead of behind managed in the cloud by AWS, it can run locally. It lacks some of the features of original DynamoDB; it doesn't scale as well but has the same API for most of the calls, making it an excellent choice for offline testing and dev experiments.

Why is Dynobase useful with DynamoDB Local?

Unlike original DynamoDB, the local one does not come with a visual interface making it hard to see what's inside the tables and debug potential data problems. DynamoDB Local ships with only a "Shell" which is a wrapper for Javascript SDK calls.

How does Dynobase work with DynamoDB Local?

Dynobase works with Dynobase Local the same as with the AWS-managed DynamoDB. It allows querying, scanning, inserting, and manipulating data with a nice visual interface. Other features like history, bookmarks, and code generation are also fully available.

What is the difference between DynamoDB Local and DynamoDB from LocalStack?

There isn't much of a difference. Both of these DynamoDB implementations follow the official DynamoDB API. It is worth mentioning that they shouldn't be used in production; they are for development and testing purposes only.

I cannot see my local DynamoDB profile in Dynobase. What's wrong?

Make sure you're running your DynamoDB instance on the same port as set in Dynobase's Offline settings. By default it's port 8000 for DynamoDB Local and 4569 for LocalStack.

I can see the profile but cannot see my local DynamoDB tables in Dynobase. What's wrong?

Two things might be wrong. First, check if your locally provisioned tables are in the same region as in the Dynobase Offline settings. Second, check which access_key was used to provision local tables. If another access key than the default is used, be sure to enter that in "Override Access Key" setting.

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