
Perform DynamoDB Conditional Update (Using a Visual Editor)

Rafal Wilinski

Written by Rafal Wilinski

Published on May 25th, 2021

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    DynamoDB lacks an equivalent of SQL-ish UPDATE X WHERE Y. Despite supporting PartiQL, a query language very similar to SQL, that operation is still not possible because of how DynamoDB works - you cannot update multiple rows at once, you can only run putItem / updateItem on a per item basis.

    Does it mean that we cannot update a collection of items conditionally in DynamoDB?

    No! We can do it, it's just a bit more complicated. Here's what we need to do:

    1. First, we need to fetch a collection of items that we'd like to update.
    2. Then, run an update operation on each returned item.

    If you were to write this operation on your own, it can quickly grow to over 100 lines of code if you'd like to handle pagination and all the cases gracefully.

    Fortunately, that is also possible in Dynobase and it's much easier. For example:

    Let's suppose we'd like to update every record in our database where ID has only two characters and prefix it with updated_ - an example ID 89 will become updated_89.

    In SQL, you'd probably write something like this:

    Let's recreate it in DynamoDB! First, you need to Download Dynobase.

    Next, open it, select profile, region and table of your choice and click "Terminal", right next to the "Scan" / "Query" button, a small code editor will popup.

    Inside this Editor, paste the following piece of code:

    and then run "Execute" - and voilà!

    DynamoDB Conditional Update

    Your dataset has been updated! Keep in mind that because Dynobase updates each record one-by-one under the hood, it can take quite long on larger datasets. You can also use the query filters to make sure that your update will only affect the relevant pieces of data.

    Understanding Conditional Writes in DynamoDB

    DynamoDB supports conditional writes, which means you can specify a condition that must be satisfied for the write to proceed. This is particularly useful for ensuring data integrity and preventing race conditions. For example, you can use a condition expression to ensure that an item is only updated if it has not been modified since it was last read. This can be achieved using the ConditionExpression parameter in the putItem or updateItem operations.

    Handling Errors and Retries

    When performing conditional updates, it's important to handle potential errors and retries. DynamoDB may return a ConditionalCheckFailedException if the condition specified is not met. In such cases, you should implement a retry mechanism with exponential backoff to handle transient issues gracefully. This ensures that your application remains robust and can handle temporary failures without losing data integrity.

    Performance Considerations

    While the example provided demonstrates how to update items conditionally using Dynobase, it's important to consider the performance implications. Updating items one-by-one can be time-consuming, especially for large datasets. To optimize performance, you can use batch operations like BatchWriteItem, although it does not support conditional writes. Alternatively, you can parallelize the update operations to speed up the process.

    Use Cases for Conditional Updates

    Conditional updates are useful in various scenarios, such as implementing optimistic concurrency control, maintaining counters, and ensuring idempotency. For instance, you can use conditional updates to implement a distributed lock mechanism, where an item is only updated if it is not currently locked by another process. This can help in coordinating distributed systems and ensuring consistency.


    DynamoDB's lack of a direct SQL-like UPDATE X WHERE Y operation can be mitigated by using conditional writes and updates. Tools like Dynobase simplify this process, making it easier to perform complex updates with minimal code. By understanding and leveraging conditional writes, handling errors and retries, and considering performance implications, you can effectively manage and update your DynamoDB datasets.

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